Turnkey Procedures for One of the MOST Critical Systems in Your Practice…

Dear Doctor,

Your practice is ALIVE…

Much like the human body…

When each independent system operates at optimal levels… and all systems work together correctly, the natural outcome is practice HEALTH…and that means practice GROWTH…

One of the most critical systems in your practice is what I call your “Remarkable Marketing Machine”…

This system is how you go about consistently attracting, retaining and converting new patients…

I could tell you all about it (and I will if you let me) – but I’d rather just hand you the Remarkable Marketing Machine I use in my own practice – because I know that it works…

Here’s what I mean…

the “Remarkable Marketing Machine”…

In The Remarkable Marketing Machine you’ll be handed all my tools, systems and mechanisms – everything you need to create YOUR OWN “Remarkable Marketing Machine” in your practice…

This is where the rubber meets the road… where we create your roadmap to success by defining HOW YOU will spread the remarkable truth about your practice in a systemized, automatic way that works for you…

The key to being able to take a “breather” throughout the day is the systemization of every aspect of your business…

I want you to be able to FOCUS on adjusting while your TEAM works the SYSTEM that I will teach you to put in place to Attract, Retain and Convert patients…

With the “Remarkable Marketing Machine” you’ll create your marketing calendar that will drive your business growth for the next 12 months… and receive customizable templates for use in your practice…

Do this and watch business start to boom…

Everything you need will be delivered through a state of the art platform so that you quickly get the big picture and ALL the little details that go into making this work for you in real life…

All for less than the price of just another “failed” marketing scheme or “ quick fix.” Stop throwing your money away…twice!

Clients Speak Out…

Dr Franson has been a mentor of mine for 11 years now. As a student he provided me with a clear vision of how Chiropractic transforms lives. His passion and fire for what he does is unparalleled.

Six years into my personal practice I found myself burned out. So naturally I chose Dr. Franson to be my coach.

After 6 months of coaching, I can say that my passion for what I do has returned.

For the first time in practice, I feel like I am no longer in my own way. He has re-established protocols and procedures that have revitalized my practice and myself.

Personally I’m happier. I have better balance with my work and family because I have a coach that practices what he preaches.

Professionally, I now run my business like a business. I have protocols and procedures that allow for better communication.

With Dr. Franson’s coaching my patients just don’t believe in Chiropractic , they truly understand chiropractic.

Collections are up weekly volume is up, retention is up my marketing is streamlined, my stats reflect my practice and I love what I do again. Every coach that I have ever had, coaches from the sidelines.

Having a coach that is still in the game really helps.

Be Well,

Chris Hauck
Chiropractic Solutions

Why It’s Just $97
I’m only charging $97, for 3 reasons.

  1. $97 puts this within reach of anyone who wants it. It’s not too expensive for any budget…
  2. I figured anyone serious about building a Remarkable Practice will invest $97 into this training and use what it teaches…
  3. Anyone who isn’t serious enough about building their practice to invest this much, I really can’t even understand…

Now if you’re thinking “$97 is cheap… What’s the catch?”… There isn’t one…

Unless you count the fact that once you implement this system in your practice you’ll be able to afford access to the full blown Remarkable Practice Academy…

Besides that…

I’m doing this to fulfill my personal mission to impact the welfare of the planet by equipping, empowering and training chiropractors on the front line of health and wellness care – literally, around the world…

I want to help shape and create the doctors, teams and clinics that will become the face of modern health care… and disrupt the outdated models of coaching and practice management by providing an innovative solution for you to access high quality coaching in a cost-effective and highly convenient platform…

So if you’re serious about building a remarkable practice without giving up your health, family and friends – and if you would like to get started TODAY click the “Buy Now” button below…

My Risk-Free Double “You’ll Love It” Guarantee

How is that for fair?

Click on the “Add To Cart” button below to join now and get instant access to the training Risk-Free for just $97…

The Cold Hard Logic of This…

Look – let’s face facts… If it were easy to grow a practice, the “average” DC wouldn’t be seeing 100 patients a week…

So I’m just going to shoot straight with you for a second…

If you’re already getting the results you want out of your practice, then maybe you don’t need what I have for you in The Remarkable Marketing Machine…unless you simply want to make it easier.

But if you aren’t already getting the results you want, you’d have to be crazy to expect to get a different result without changing what you’re doing…

And if you haven’t already put together your roadmap to success in your practice, the smart play is to follow someone who’s done it before you…

So make the smart choice for you, your family and your patients by clicking the “Add to Cart” button below right now…

Here’s what a few more DC’s would tell you about my information and training:

Over the last six months that I have been a client of Dr Franson´s I have gained greater clarity about my professional and personal life.

Dr Stephen is very resourceful and has been a great example of focused work, team spirit and attention to detail.

I now have a clear road map to take my practice and all other areas of my life to a whole new level.

Victor Sañudo, DC (Veracruz, Mexico)

So go ahead and make the logical choice by clicking below and claiming The Remarkable Marketing Machine…

YES! Give Me Instant Access

WARNING: Choices or Consequences?

You’ve heard the saying: “You can’t always have it both ways”…


Because choices have natural consequences…

That’s why it’s important to choose the thing that has the natural outcome you LIKE…

Look – I’m not trying to be pushy here… but I’m willing to push a little if it’ll change your life and the lives of your patients…

You see, chances are really high that if you’ve read this far, you know that you need to take action… you know that you need to claim The Remarkable Marketing Machine…

Yet for some reason you still haven’t done what you know you need to do…

So let’s take a look at what the natural consequence of your delay will be if you don’t act in the next four days…

The first consequence is that you’ll miss the lowest price you’ll ever see…

But the bigger picture is about your LIFE…

If you don’t act now, will you ever be able to retire?

Where will your practice be in 5 years?

Will you be able to live the lifestyle you want to enjoy?

How will you continuously attract new patients?

Will you have to depend on insurance to get by?

Will you continue to lose patients?

Will you become a slave to your practice, your patients and your staff?

These are the issues at stake…

And these are the issues that you will begin to solve the moment you put the Remarkable Marketing Machine to work in your practice…

Don’t wait until you’re burnt out and ready to quit… or worse – until it’s too late…

P.S. Remember, the real-world actionable information in The Remarkable Engagement Episode is easily worth 7 figures to your practice, this has worked for other DC’s just like you, and it’s 100% guaranteed so you can’t possibly lose money. This is a no-brainer.

 I had been in private practice for 4 years before I met Dr Franson and started coaching.  I had done reasonably well in practice during those initial years through molding together bits and pieces I learnt from university, other practitioners and simple trial and error. Despite my success I never felt as if I had cracked that magic formula of running my practice smoothly.  Practicing was physically and mentally tiring, resulting in poor patient experiences.

Training with Dr Franson for the past 2 years has resulted in exponential growth of both my practice and me as a chiropractor. Practicing is now a joy and with greater ease, as doc taught me how to say more with fewer words.  The results are a more enjoyable patient experience as communications are simple yet informative and concise. My practice is now filled with people who know why they want to be there and why everyone they know should be there too!As chiropractors, our schools empower us with skills to be a great doctor; much like a builder given basic building materials.  Training with Dr Franson is like having a master architect help you form a blue print to utilize those building materials in building the masterpiece that is you and your dream practice.Dr William Tee
B.App.Sci (CompMedChiro)
M.Clin.Chiro RMIT

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