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The #1 Chiropractor Growth Seminar

Join 500+ top chiropractors, Industry Experts, Attraction Strategies

Oct. 4th - 5th, 2024 | Denver, CO | Gaylord Convention Center

Why the Remarkable Growth Conference is the #1 conference for Chiropractors

More Than
Attendees Since 2020
Chiropractors Owners
Countless Lives
In just 2 Days!


"The MUV Team spent this past weekend learning and growing from some of the best in the profession!... Huge shoutout to The Remarkable Practice for an incredible weekend full of inspiration, motivation, and energy!!"

Dr. Travis Stewart

MUV Chiropractic and Yoga

"To say this past weekend’s Immersion was incredible is an understatement!! We filled our minds & hearts with sooo much great chiropractic energy with @theremarkablepractice I only grow more & more in love with this career path with each day."

Air Colabella

Chiropractic Student

"What an incredible weekend of training to better serve YOU and our community We are so grateful for chiropractic!! Your body has an incredible ability to HEAL, and chiropractic helps facilitate that by removing interference in your nervous system."

Dr. Nick Rodsater

Adjusting The World Chiropractic

Who Should Attend Our Chiropractor Immersion Event:

Chiropractors Looking to Refine Their Brand

If you're a chiropractor aiming to elevate your practice's branding, vision, and mission, this event is tailored for you. By attending, you'll gain insights into crafting a compelling brand story that resonates with your target audience. This is why we are recognized as the #1 Growth Immersion: you'll learn how to effectively communicate your practice's core values and vision.

Practitioners Seeking Advanced Marketing Strategies

For those who want to implement cutting-edge marketing strategies and leverage AI to streamline their digital presence, this event is essential. You'll discover innovative techniques to attract new patients and expand your reach. This is why we are recognized as the #1 Growth Immersion: you'll learn how to integrate AI into your marketing efforts for maximum impact.

Chiropractors Aspiring to Build a Thriving Practice

If your goal is to build a successful and sustainable practice, this immersion event will provide you with the tools and knowledge needed. You'll learn the best practices for attracting new patients and strategies for growing your practice effectively. This is why we are recognized as the #1 Growth Immersion: you'll learn the essential steps to create and maintain a thriving chiropractic practice.

New Chiropractors and Recent Graduates

If you're a new chiropractor or recent graduate looking to kickstart your career, this event offers the perfect foundation. You'll gain comprehensive knowledge on how to establish a strong practice from the ground up. This is why we are recognized as the #1 Growth Immersion: you'll learn the critical elements of practice building, from setting up operations to attracting and retaining patients.

Established Chiropractors Wanting to Stay Competitive

For established chiropractors who want to stay ahead in a competitive market, this event provides the latest trends and innovations in chiropractic care and practice management. This is why we are recognized as the #1 Growth Immersion: you'll learn how to continually adapt and evolve your practice to meet changing patient needs and industry standards.

Seminar Topics

Recession-Proof your Practice

Day One

8:00 AM – 6:00PM

  • Introduction to Personal Growth: Understand personal growth and the importance of a growth mindset.
  • Settings Goals: Learn and apply the SMART criteria for goal setting.
  • Self-Awareness and Reflection: engage in exercises to identify strengths, weaknesses, values and passions.
  • Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Identify and challenge common limiting beliefs.
  • Building Habits for growth: Develop strategies for establishing and maintaining growth oriented habits.


Day Two

8:00 AM – 6:00PM

  • Time Management: Learn effective techniques like the Pomodoro Technique and Eisenhower Matrix
  • Emotional Intelligence: Develop self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.
  • Networking: Build and maintain professional and personal relationships through effective communication.
  • Resilience: Develop methods for handling stress and overcoming challenges.
  • Continuous Learning: Emphasizing lifelong learning through courses, workshops, and reading.



Dr. Stephen Franson

Founder & CEO of TRP, #1 Chiropractor Growth Expert

Dr. Stephen Franson is a well respected figure in the chiropractic community, celebrated for his unyielding dedication to helping chiropractors and their practices achieve remarkable growth, propelling them to 7-figure+ income and impact

Mary Quense

Remarkable Practice Coach

Coach Mary has worked in many capacities within the Chiropractic field for the past 15 years. Her passion is guiding others to find their greater purpose in order to create a more fulfilling career and life.

Dr. Sebastian Bonnin

DC & Remarkable Practice Coach

Dr. Sebastian Bonnin is passionate about helping DCs achieve their ultimate vision, whether it be helping more patients themselves or developing their CEO level skillset to build and leverage a great team around them. He specializes in scaling businesses and operations.

Lauren Roberson

Director of Marketing

Lauren is passionate about helping DCs achieve their marketing visions- from attracting more new patients to their practices, developing a strategic and long-lasting marketing plan, developing their marketing teams or fostering community through social. As a long-term digital marketer, she specializes in innovative marketing strategies and tactics that promote growth and continuity.

Dr. Pete Camiolo

DC & Remarkable Practice Coach

Dr. Pete Camiolo is passionate about helping DCs achieve their ultimate vision, whether it be helping more patients themselves or developing their CEO level skillset to build and leverage a great team around them. He specializes in scaling businesses and operations.

Top Secret

Announcement coming

Details about our Secret Speaker coming soon!

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Recognized as the #1 Chiropractor Growth Company in America

At the Remarkable Growth Conference, you’ll have the opportunity to learn from industry-leading speakers, including renowned chiropractors, business consultants, and marketing experts. These though leaders will share either wealth of knowledge and experience, providing you with actionable insights and innovative strategies to grow your practice. Our session cover a comprehensive range of tropics, from advanced patient acquisition methods to optimizing your practices operations, ensuring you stay ahead in a competitive market.

Expert Speakers: Learn from industry-leading chiropractors, business consultants, and marketing experts.

Cutting-Edge Strategies: Discover the latest trends and techniques in chiropractic care and business management.

Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow chiropractors, industry professionals, and potential business partners.

Interactive Workshops: Participate in hands-on sessions that focus on practical skills and real world applications.

Comprehensive Resources: Access exclusive conference materials, comprehensive guides, and toolkits.

Efficient Scaling: Learn how to expand your practice without sacrificing quality of care.

Patient Acquisition: Master advanced methods for attracting new patients through digital marketing and community outreach.

Financial management: Gain insights into effective financial planning, budgeting, and profitability strategies.

Leveraging Technology: Explore the latest technological advancements in chiropractic care.

Legal Compliance: Stay updated on the latest legal and regulatory requirements affecting chiropractors.

Proven Success: The remarkable Practice has trained over 3,000 chiropractors and help 1,000+ business scale.

Client Satisfaction: Our clients peak for us, giving us a 4.9-star average review rating.


We are thrilled to announce that The Remarkable Growth Conference 2024 will be hosted at the Gaylord Rockies Resort & convention Center in Aurora, Colorado. This premier venue offers a perfect blend of modern amenities and stunning natural beauty, providing an inspiring backdrop for our event. Attendees will enjoy state-of-the-art conference facilities, luxurious accommodations, and a variety of dining and recreational options. located just minuets from Denver International Airport, the Gaylord Rockies ensures convenient access for all guests, making it the ideal setting for a transformative and enriching experience as we explore strategies to scale your chiropractic practice.