“Are You Ready For A System
That Brings Order To Your Practice
(and your life)?”
Introducing “The Remarkable Practice Academy”…
(My proven system has now helped 2,351 chiropractors break through to their next level.)
No need to decide right now if this program is worth one penny of your money…
You can try it completely RISK-FREE for 14 DAYS!! If you put my simple battle-hardened systems
into your practice and don’t double your patient retention and explode your top line…
I’ll either personally work with you to get you there- or refund your money
– no questions asked!
Keep reading to discover how my proven systems can bring growth in your practice,
peace to your life and a lot of money into your bank account.
Dear Doctor,
What I’m about to share with you is almost unbelievable even though it’s been rightfully called the “The most powerful chiropractic system ever offered.”
I created it nearly 10 years ago to solve my own problems. And quickly word got out that my practice was exploding. It didn’t take long before my DC friends started following me around my practice and demanding that I share with them what I was doing – and exactly how I was doing it.
When they put my systems into play… again and again, their practices grew… and while actually letting my friends work less… which is also hard to believe,- and yet, as of today, 2,351 chiropractors have had the same results.
Which is why I would like to share my system with you right now, because more than anything I want to:
- Give you the 3 things you MUST say to new patients if you want them excited to work with you.
- Show you the 1 simple way to cut your stress in half (and it has nothing to do with working less???).
- Grow your practice in three dimensions for a geometric explosion in weekly patient volume…
- Give you CONFIDENCE and CERTAINTY so your patients can easily see the value you bring to their lives.
- Reveal the fast and stupid-easy way you can start attracting pre-paid cash patients TODAY!
- And much more…
And I want you to have all this without risking a single penny! But let me be clear: I realize that this may sound completely impossible for you today. But I also realize it’s only impossible because there are 4 key elements missing from your practice… put those in and everything I want for you can happen…
How to Build a Remarkable Practice…
Can you imagine if you had a REMARKABLE PRACTICE?
Think about it… what does that mean… to be “remarkable”?
It literally means that people in your community are talking about you… telling their circles about you and your team… remarking about the important work that you are doing – the remarkable place that they have found…
YOU are the talk of the town…
Or are you?
Hi, I’m Stephen Franson and I believe that Chiropractors have what it takes to make the world a healthier place…
Yet most D.C.’s aren’t having the impact they could on their communities and because of this, people are suffering needlessly…
You have the answers they need, but somehow they aren’t getting the message… because if they were – they’d be beating down your door, practically begging for your help solving the problems the pharmaceutical machine can’t…
Your patient volume would be at capacity… and you wouldn’t keep losing patients as soon as their insurance stops paying for visits…
Yet few DC’s are having that experience…
In fact, there are a lot of Chiropractors with empty waiting rooms in beat down strip malls just struggling to make ends meet every month…
For every new patient who walks in their front door, another one steps out the back door while another one sneaks out the side door…
Despite having THE answer to most of the healthcare problems our communities face, there aren’t very many DC’s who are forced to renovate their offices just to make room for all their patients…
Very few have a team that is passionate, empowered and excited to show up and make a difference…
Very few have a steady stream of new referrals walking in the front door already convinced they’re in the right place…
And even less have a clear-cut process for educating new patients in a way that converts them to lifetime patients…
It’s rare to meet a DC who knows exactly what to say to their patients when presenting a long term care plan… or how to make patients see that there is nothing more important than investing in their wellness…
And even rarer to meet one who is living and enjoying a Remarkable Life… a Chiro who is spending plenty of time with family, staying fit and healthy, relaxing and having fun…
Or has a Remarkable Financial Life – living wealthy TODAY, with an eventual exit strategy and a solid plan for retirement…
Most are stuck below where they thought they’d be… slaves to a practice that won’t run without them… afraid that things will soon fall apart and they’ll be exposed as a failure…
And if you’re experiencing any of these problems, it can feel like you’re spinning your wheels… going nowhere… unable to get traction…
How to Build a Remarkable Life While Growing Your Remarkable Practice…
Are you building a practice like this?
Do you open your doors every month knowing that you are going to collect 10’s of thousands of dollars just in RE-SIGNS?
Imagine what that practice is like…
Think of serving a practice full of patients who are there for the same reason that you are…
How would the energy change? How would your daily life change?
How would your practice change?
That kind of practice is closer than you think…
I’ve created a step-by-step program to take you by the hand and walk you through what it takes to grow a REMARKABLE PRACTICE as PART OF A REMARKABLE LIFE…Not instead of one…
These are the exact systems, processes and procedures I used to blast through sticking points on my way to creating a 1,000 patient a week, cash-driven, referral and retention-based practice…
Without sacrificing my values, my family time or my down time…
And just this last quarter I’ve witnessed some incredible results as my clients apply them…
I just taught this exact system to a brand new DC starting out in practice… he went from ZERO to 450 patients a week FIVE MONTHS after opening the doors to his new practice…
And these exact systems have taken hundreds of DC’s who were stuck at 100 patients a week to reach 300+ patients a week…
And one California doc who was “stuck” at 750 / wk (“forever”) finally blasted thru a career long goal of serving over 1,000 Patients in a week using this system…
These are the exact systems that I taught to a few hugely successful DC’s that allowed to add double digit growth to their revenues…across multiple offices…even across multiple countries!
These systems work no matter where you are…
And I don’t want to bad-mouth anyone else’s program because many represent real value, but this program isn’t a RAH-RAH cheerleader-led pep-rally that gets you pumped up for success and doesn’t deliver the tools you need to DO success…
This is much closer to a “franchise” than those programs because you’ll literally be handed turnkey systems you can plug into your practice.
This is the first time I’ve ever offered this information and these systems to anyone but my private, one-on-one coaching clients…
It’s been worth millions of dollars to them… not to mention the impact it’s had on their personal lives…
I’ve taken only the best of the best… things proven time and time again to work in any practice, regardless of who runs it, how long it’s been in business or what size it is… and put them all inside:
There’s No Fluff, No Filler and NO B.S.
Just the raw information and systems you need to build a remarkable life, while growing a remarkable practice…
Here’s Just a TASTE of what’s inside…
- How to deconstruct your practice so you understand each of it’s parts and how they operate together at peak efficiency…
- Turnkey training you can hand your staff so they learn to grow your practice for you…
- How to close the back doors and side doors of your practice so you stop losing people and simply start collecting patients…
- Step-by-step processes for managing the work of running your practice so that you can spend time doing the things you enjoy…
- How to attract all the new patients you can handle and set them up to stick around for the long haul…
- Exactly what to say at each and every critical stage in the patient lifecycle so they UNDERSTAND why – AND WANT TO continue their care…
- How to quickly convert tire kickers to serious patients committed to following your orders…
- How to generate a steady stream of referrals so that your business grows on autopilot…
- How to dig your way out from under the piles of insurance paperwork by getting your patients to gladly pay you in cash…
- How to “hack” your practice to achieve remarkable results…
- And much, much more…
And because I know you’re busy, rather than dump everything on you all at once and leave you overwhelmed with where to start – I’ve broken everything down into weekly modules that will take you about an hour to complete…
(Anyone committed to growth can carve out an hour to work on growing their practice each week)…
That means you’ll receive 52 actionable modules – complete with staff training, scripts, flowcharts, processes and the like – in just the first 12 months alone…
And each “module” is a complete “experience” all by itself… complete with video instruction for you and your staff, PDF transcripts you can print and read, printable slides with sections for taking notes…
Even word-for-word scripts you can use right out of the box in your practice – or easily customize to make them your own…
There’s so much we’ll cover, it’s impossible to describe it all on one page – but here’s a closer look at what you’ll be mastering in just the first month…
Month one consists of four “Board Meetings” that will help you gain CLARITY, energize your TEAM and create the CERTAINTY that will make you the talk of your town…
In week one, we’ll hold your first “Board Meeting” to set the vision for your practice…
But beyond just setting the vision so that you can feel warm and fuzzy about it, you’re going to learn how to spread that vision through your team so that they OWN it and strive each day to make it a reality…
This clarity of purpose will unite your team and give you the first skill of every great business owner:
Leaders set the vision and inspire others to fulfill it – which is exactly what you’ll be doing in week one…
In week two, we’ll dive into how you add value to your patients’ lives…
This is CRITICAL because as Chiropractors, we provide our patients with “lifetime family wellness care” – a wonderful thing to be sure…
How to Quickly Convey the Unique Value You Provide Your Patients In Words
They Can Understand…
But nobody is waking up in the morning and Googling “lifetime family wellness care”…
So if we’re going to attract, convert and retain patients, we’re going to have to define the value that you provide your patients…
and put it into words they understand…
Without using a bait and switch – or a diluted “just get them started…we’ll transform them later” approach to New Patient Conversion…
They actually WANT and are LOOKING FOR what you offer…they simply don’t know that you as a chiropractor provide it…
But we’ll draw this out of you so that when you speak with your patients – and when your staff speaks with your patients – you deliver a consistent message that resonates with potential patient…
We will teach you how to BUILD THE BRIDGE of communication – so that your New Patients will convert and START CARE for the same reasons that they will STAY UNDER CARE – and re-sign – year after year.
We’ll start with the 30,000 foot view of what you would really love to provide to your patients: Lifetime Family Wellness Care – the “telescopic view”… then zoom into the “binoculars view” of what the first 2-3 years looks like… then we’ll zoom in again to what the first year looks like… then the first 3-4 months (the magnifying glass)…this is where the detail fills in and we can create real CLARITY for your process – for you, for your Team and for the patients…
And remember: Your retention is simply a reflection of your clarity!
It is my experience that we can do the first 90 to 120 days perfectly. Your Team can get their heads around this…… and when you NAIL those first 3-4 months perfectly, you create lifetime patients…
But your patients will never make it to the 3 month mark if you don’t nail the first 3 or 4 visits…
And this will be the focus of the next set of modules in The Remarkable Practice Academy…
The Remarkable Conversion Process…
Here you’ll learn how to get the first 3 or 4 visits dialed in perfectly, so that you convert your new patients to long term care…
And then how to get the first 3 to 4 months just right so that you convert long term care patients into lifers because-conversion and long term care are just the natural consequence of doing this first 90 – 120 days right…
In week three we’re going to define your 12 month goals… and the metrics that we’ll use to measure them…
If you are not setting clear and compelling goals for you and your Team to smash, you do not stand a chance of ever creating the practice of your dreams.
We will not let that happen to you.
Then in week four the rubber really starts to meet the road because we’re going to take your goals from week three and create your roadmap to success by defining how we will accomplish them…
Here you’ll create your marketing plan and put it all together in a marketing calendar and implement the proven “done with you” marketing that will drive your business growth for the next 12 months…
Within four weeks from today, you’ll have clearly defined your vision, purpose, mission, premise and product…
You’ll know what you are going to build, why you are going to build it and how that will impact your community…
You’ll have put it all into words that inspire your staff and clearly communicate the unique value you provide your patients…
And That’s Just the Tip of the Iceberg…
Over the next 12 months and beyond, we’ll dive deeper and deeper into the systems, processes and patterns you can follow to create a practice that serves you, your team and your patients…
And everything will be delivered through a state of the art platform so that you quickly get the big picture and ALL the little details that go into making this work easily for you and your Team in your practice…
Dr Franson has been a mentor of mine for 11 years now. As a student he provided me with a clear vision of how Chiropractic transforms lives. His passion and fire for what he does is unparalleled.
Six years into my personal practice I found myself burned out. So naturally I chose Dr. Franson to be my coach.
After 6 months of coaching, I can say that my passion for what I do has returned.
For the first time in practice, I feel like I am no longer in my own way. He has re-established protocols and procedures that have revitalized my practice and myself.
Personally I’m happier. I have better balance with my work and family because I have a coach that practices what he preaches.
Professionally, I now run my business like a business. I have protocols and procedures that allow for better communication.
With Dr. Franson’s coaching my patients just don’t believe in Chiropractic , they truly understand chiropractic.
Collections are up weekly volume is up , retention is up my marketing is streamlined , my stats reflect my practice and I love what I do again. Every coach that I have ever had, coaches from the sidelines.
Having a coach that is still in the game really helps.![]()
Be Well,
Chris Hauck, DC
Chiropractic Solutions
I Can’t Take All the Credit for This System….
I’ll be perfectly honest with you… I can’t take all of the credit for what’s in The Remarkable Practice Academy…
Over the years, I’ve invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into learning from the best of the best in this business…
I’ve spent countless hours rubbing shoulders with the most successful Chiropractors, business owners and coaches because I knew that was money well spent…
Every single one of those people has contributed to The Remarkable Practice Academy because I have included everything I know in it…
So when you join, you not only get the insights, wisdom and experience that I have from growing my own practice beyond 1,000 patients a week… you also get the lessons I paid big money to learn from my own mentors and coaches…
This is truly the best of the best… and to be honest – it’s better than anything I ever paid for, even though I paid a LOT more than what you will…
I’ve actually seen behind the curtain of programs that charge hundreds of thousands of dollars and they don’t contain a fraction of what’s inside in The Remarkable Practice Academy…
And they dump everything on you at once then leave you with the chore of sorting out where to start and how to sift through the avalanche of information…
Don’t Reinvent the Wheel…
There’s a reason you’ve been told since childhood not to try to reinvent the wheel…
It’s the same reason that you’ve been told to seek mentors and coaches… because when someone has already invested their own blood, sweat and tears learning lessons the hard way; you’d have to be a little foolish to not hear what they have to say before you attempt to do what they’ve done…
Can you imagine how much faster and easier it is for you when you follow a proven blueprint instead of learning everything by trial and error?
Just imagine…
- Watching your patient volume rise as your work load decreases…
- Enjoying a larger, more stable income and having the time to enjoy it…
- Having the confidence in your process and systems, knowing your practice can run without you
- Knowing that you’re impacting your community and saving lives…
- Having time for romance, vacations, relaxation and hobbies…
- Knowing that you are living a life of passion and purpose…
Now, as I mentioned before, this information and these systems were previously only available to my private coaching clients who paid BIG money to get it from me…
But you’re getting it – and ALL the valuable bonuses – for a STEAL…
Why It’s Just $299 a Month
I’m only charging $299 a month, for 5 reasons.
1. I want to reward people who are serious and take action with this low price of $299 per month…
$299 puts this within reach of anyone who wants it. It’s not too expensive for any budget (especially compared to inferior systems that sell for six figures)…
2. I figured anyone serious about building a Remarkable Practice will invest $299 a month into this training and use what it teaches…
3. It really doesn’t matter if you are already following another coaching program, guru or seminar series…THIS IS SHORT MONEY – and the returns you will receive are easily 10X – I guarantee it…
4. Anyone who isn’t serious enough about building their practice to invest this much, I really can’t even understand…
Now if you’re thinking “$299 is cheap… What’s the catch?”… There isn’t one…
I’m doing this to fulfill my personal mission to impact the welfare of the planet by equipping, empowering and training chiropractors on the front line of health and wellness care – literally, around the world…
I want to help shape and create the doctors, teams and clinics that will become the face of modern health care… and disrupt the outdated models of coaching and practice management by providing an innovative solution for you to access high quality coaching in a cost-effective and highly convenient platform…
So if you’re serious about building a remarkable practice without giving up your health, family and friends –
and if you would like to get started TODAY click the “Buy Now” button below…
My Risk-Free Double “You’ll Love It” Guarantee
Guarantee #1: If at any time within the first 14 days, you think this isn’t the best $299 a month you’ve ever spent, just send me an email and I’ll gladly refund your last two month’s fees.
Guarantee #2: If you actually implement what I teach in The Remarkable Practice Academy and you don’t experience outstanding results, I will personally work with you to blast through any sticking points and achieve success.
And there are no obligations whatsoever… you can cancel your subscription any time after 14 days and your credit card will never be charged again.
This way – the burden is on me to provide you with huge value.
Click on the “Add To Cart” button below to get your 14 day trial now and get instant access to the training Risk-Free…
The Cold Hard Logic of This…
Look – let’s face facts… If it were easy to grow a practice, the “average” DC would be seeing more than 100 patients a week…
The road to success in this business is littered with the bodies of those who tried and failed…
And this is NOT what I want for you… and I know it’s not what you want for yourself…
So I’m just going to shoot straight with you for a second…
If you’re already have the systems and processes in place and are getting the results you want out of your practice, you don’t need what I have for you in The Remarkable Practice Academy…
But if you aren’t already getting the results you want, you’d have to be crazy to expect to get a different result without changing what you’re doing…
And if you haven’t already put together your roadmap to success in your practice, the smart play is to follow someone who’s done it before you…
So make the smart choice for you, your family and your patients by clicking the “Add to Cart” button below right now…
Here’s what a few more DC’s would tell you about -The Remarkable Practice training program:
Over the last six months that I have been a client of Dr Franson´s I have gained greater clarity about my professional and personal life.
Dr Stephen is very resourceful and has been a great example of focused work, team spirit and attention to detail.
I now have a clear road map to take my practice and all other areas of my life to a whole new level.![]()
Victor Sañudo, DC (Veracruz, Mexico)
WARNING: Choices or Consequences?
I heard a saying once: “You can have your choice, or you can have your consequence”…
The idea was that you can choose one or the other… but you can’t always have both… Why?
Because choices have natural consequences…
That’s why it’s important to choose the thing that has the natural outcome you LIKE…
Look – I’m not trying to be harsh here… but I’m willing to make you a little mad if it’ll save your life and the lives of your patients…
You see, chances are really high that if you’ve read this far, you know that you need to take action… you know that you need to join The Remarkable Practice Academy…
Yet for some reason you still haven’t done what you know you need to do… So let’s take a look at what the natural consequence of your delay will be if you don’t act in the next four days…
The first consequence is that you’ll miss the lowest price you’ll ever get on your membership… and you’ll miss out on some incredible bonuses…
But the bigger picture is about your LIFE… Will your practice get better on its own? Are you going to stay trapped in the practice that you have created?
Will your practice still be here in 5 years? Will you be able to live the lifestyle you want to enjoy? How will you continuously attract new patients?
Will you have to depend on insurance to get by? Will you continue to lose patients? If you don’t act now, will you be able to retire?
Will you become a slave to your practice, your patients and your staff? These are the issues at stake…and there are consequences These are the issues that you will begin to solve the moment you join The Remarkable Practice Academy and start to implement what you learn… Don’t wait until you’re burnt out and ready to quit… or worse – until it’s too late…
P.S. Remember, There is more real actionable information in The Remarkable Practice Academy than you’ll get in a SIX FIGURE program, the systems inside have worked for other DC’s just like you, and it’s 100% guaranteed so you can’t possibly lose money. This is a no-brainer.
I had been in private practice for 4 years before I met Dr Franson and started coaching. I had done reasonably well in practice during those initial years through molding together bits and pieces I learnt from university, other practitioners and simple trial and error. Despite my success I never felt as if I had cracked that magic formula of running my practice smoothly. Practicing was physically and mentally tiring, resulting in poor patient experiences. Training with Dr Franson for the past 2 years has resulted in exponential growth of both my practice and me as a chiropractor. Practicing is now a joy and with greater ease, as doc taught me how to say more with fewer words. The results are a more enjoyable patient experience as communications are simple yet informative and concise. My practice is now filled with people who know why they want to be there and why everyone they know should be there too! As chiropractors, our schools empower us with skills to be a great doctor; much like a builder given basic building materials. Training with Dr Franson is like having a master architect help you form a blue print to utilize those building materials in building the masterpiece that is you and your dream practice.
Dr William Tee, DC
Chiropractor B.App.Sci (CompMedChiro)