Are You Missing the ONE Thing That Can Blast Your Practice to the Next Level?
Dear Doctor,
Imagine that you walk into a gas station and ask for directions…
The clerk WANTS to help you – but when he asks where you want to go – you tell him: “I don’t know. I just want to take a trip – and I want it to be AWESOME!”…
Trying to be helpful he asks “OK – well what does awesome mean to you?”
Again you reply “I don’t know.”
And the story could go on – but you get the point:
Until you figure out where you want to go – NO ONE can help you…
Where EXACTLY are You Going?
The same is true for your practice – and everyone knows it… but you wouldn’t BELIEVE how many times this is the EXACT problem my new coaching clients face…
They have a vague, fuzzy notion that they want an awesome practice… but they don’t know what that LOOKS like… Feel like? Sound like?… They are trying to get somewhere very specific… but they lack the details that make it POSSIBLE to build their dreams…we talk about our “Vision”…but can YOU really?
I can tell you what most DCs struggle with…lack of CLARITY!
Introducing “The Remarkable Clarity Bundle”…
The Remarkable Clarity Bundle is all about creating a remarkable level of clarity in your business…
Clarity around why you do what you do… how you do it better than anyone… and how to communicate that with your market to drive practice success…YOUR definition of success.
I know what my definition of REAL SUCCESS is…Do you?
Here’s what you get when you claim “The Remarkable Clarity Bundle” for yourself today:
First, we’ll create “Remarkable Clarity” for you through four “Board Meetings” and a unique go-to-market strategy that will make you the talk of your town…
Why Clarity?
Because the fastest way to put a Chiropractor on their heels is to simply ask them:
What do you do, exactly?
And Why do you do it?
Now, if that is true for you – imagine what your TEAM must feel like when someone asks them?!?
In week one, we’ll hold your first “Board Meeting” to set the vision for your practice… you and your Team will have greater Clarity and Certainty about WHAT you are doing and WHY you are doing it.
I will teach you how to train your team yourself…or JUST PUSH PLAY AND LET ME DO IT FOR YOU!
But beyond just setting the vision so that you can feel warm and fuzzy about it, you’re going to learn how to spread that vision through your Team so that they OWN it and strive each day to make it a reality…
This clarity of purpose will unite your team and give you the first skill of every great business owner:
Leaders set the vision and inspire others to fulfill it – which is exactly what you’ll be doing in week one…
In week two, we’ll dive into how you add value to your patients’ lives…
This is CRITICAL because as Principled Chiropractors, we want to provide our patients with our best – we want them to see chiropractic as a Lifestyle Strategy – not just a treatment modality.
Admittedly, “lifetime family wellness care” – is about a hundred miles away from what most people are looking for when they first walk into your office…It is probably NOT what they Googled when they were looking for help…BUT – they are looking for PRECISELY THAT in their lives – they just aren’t looking to YOU for it – because they don’t know they should be….
You only get one chance to change that…
How to Quickly Convey the Unique Value You Provide
Your Patients In Words They Can Understand…

So if we’re going to attract, convert and retain patients, we’re going to have to define the value that you provide your patients… and put it into words they USE and understand…They will become your ambassadors.
We’ll draw this out of you so that when you speak with your patients – and when your staff speaks with your patients – you deliver a consistent message that resonates with your target market…
We’ll start with the 30,000 foot view of what you provide to your lifetime patients… then zoom into the “binoculars view” of what value they receive in the first 2-3 years as a patient… then we’ll zoom in to what the first year looks like… then the first 3-4 months…
It is my experience that when you NAIL those first 3-4 months perfectly, you create a lifetime patient…
But you can’t even get to the 3 month mark if you don’t nail the first 3 or 4 visits…
So before we’re done in week two, you’ll know how to get the first 3 or 4 visits dialed in perfectly, so that you convert your new patients to long term care…
In week three we’re going to define your 12 month goals… and the metrics that we’ll use to measure them…Vision becomes reality when clear and meaningful goals are set and articulated…otherwise, they remain dreams.
Are you ready to stop dreaming and manifesting your Vision?
Then in week four we start to take MASSIVE ACTION. We will take your goals from week three and create your roadmap to success by defining HOW we will accomplish them…using The Remarkable Marketing Machine.

Here you’ll create your marketing plan and put it all together in a marketing calendar that willdrive your business growth for the next 12 months…and then every 12 months after that…it just keeps getting easier and more predictable every year.
Within four weeks from today, you’ll have clearly defined your vision, purpose, mission, premise and product…
You’ll know what you are going to build, why you are going to build it and how that will impact your community…
You’ll have put it all into words that inspire your staff and clearly communicate the unique value you provide your patients…
You will have set the FOUNDATION on which you will build your FUTURE.
You’ll set real goals and define a clear and real “destination” – you’ll know where you are going….and then, finally – How you are going to get there…you’ll finally have a complete and in depth marketing plan and calendar by leveraging The Remarkable Marketing Machine.
And everything will be delivered through a state of the art platform so that you quickly get the big picture and ALL the little details that go into making this work for you in real life…
All Without ANY Commitment…
Here’s what a few past clients would tell you about The Remarkable Practice systems and training:
Why It’s Just $388
I’m only charging $388, for 3 reasons.

1. $388 puts this within reach of anyone who wants it. It’s not too expensive for any budget (especially compared to inferior systems that sell for six figures and it gives you the ability to try out the Academy)…
2. I figured anyone serious about building a Remarkable Practice will invest $388 into this training and use what it teaches…
3. Anyone who isn’t serious enough about building their practice to invest this much, I really can’t even understand…
Now if you’re thinking “$388 is cheap… What’s the catch?”… There isn’t one…
I’m doing this to fulfill my personal mission to impact the welfare of the planet by equipping, empowering and training chiropractors on the front line of health and wellness care – literally, around the world…
I want to help shape and create the doctors, teams and clinics that will become the face of modern health care… and disrupt the outdated models of coaching and practice management by providing an innovative solution for you to access high quality coaching in a cost-effective and highly convenient platform…
So if you’re serious about building a remarkable practice without giving up your health, family and friends – and if you would like to get started TODAY click the “Buy Now” button below…
My Risk-Free Double “You’ll Love It” Guarantee

How is that for fair?
Click on the “Add To Cart” button below to join now and get instant access to the training Risk-Free for just $388…
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Look – let’s face facts… If it were easy to grow a practice, the “average” DC would be seeing more than 100 patients a week…
The road to success in this business is littered with the bodies of those who tried and failed…
And this is NOT what I want for you… and I know it’s not what you want for yourself…
So I’m just going to shoot straight with you for a second…
If you’re already getting all of the results you want out of your practice, maybe you don’t need what I have for you in The Remarkable Clarity Bundle…unless of course you just want to make it easier…
But if you aren’t already getting the results you want, you’d have to be crazy to expect to get a different result without changing what you’re doing…
And if you haven’t already put together your roadmap to success in your practice, the smart play is to follow someone who’s done it before you…
So make the smart choice for you, your family and your patients by clicking the “Add to Cart” button below right now…
Here’s what a few more DC’s would tell you about my information and training:
Over the last six months that I have been a client of Dr Franson´s I have gained greater clarity about my professional and personal life.
Dr Stephen is very resourceful and has been a great example of focused work, team spirit and attention to detail.
I now have a clear road map to take my practice and all other areas of my life to a whole new level.
Victor Sañudo, DC (Veracruz, Mexico)
So go ahead and make the logical choice by clicking below and joining The Remarkable Clarity Bundle…
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Because now the choice is yours.
Because choices have natural consequences…
And because choices have predictable outcomes.
You can choose to do nothing – to change nothing…but you know the expression…
In fact, I bet you say it to your patients:
“If you keep doing what you’ve been doing…you will keep getting what you’ve been getting.”
Or, you can choose to do something different…something PROVEN to drive success.
You see, chances are really high that if you’ve read this far, you know that you need to take action… you know that you need The Remarkable Clarity Bundle…
Yet for some reason you still haven’t done what you know you need to do…
So let’s take a look at what the natural consequence of your delay will be if you don’t act in the next four days…
The first consequence is that you’ll miss the lowest price you’ll ever get on membership… and you’ll miss out on some incredible bonuses…
But the bigger picture is about your LIFE…
If you don’t act now, will you ever be able to retire?
Where will your practice be in 5 years?
Will you be able to live the lifestyle you want to enjoy?
How will you continuously attract new patients?
Will you have to depend on insurance to get by?
Will you continue to lose patients?
Will you become a slave to your practice, your patients and your staff?
These are the issues at stake…
And these are the issues that you will begin to solve the moment you get The Remarkable Clarity Bundle and start to implement what you learn…
Don’t wait until you’re burnt out and ready to quit… or worse – until it’s too late…
P.S. Remember, the real-world actionable information in The Remarkable Engagement Episode is easily worth 7 figures to your practice, this has worked for other DC’s just like you, and it’s 100% guaranteed so you can’t possibly lose money. This is a no-brainer.
I had been in private practice for 4 years before I met Dr Franson and started coaching. I had done reasonably well in practice during those initial years through molding together bits and pieces I learnt from university, other practitioners and simple trial and error. Despite my success I never felt as if I had cracked that magic formula of running my practice smoothly. Practicing was physically and mentally tiring, resulting in poor patient experiences.
Training with Dr Franson for the past 2 years has resulted in exponential growth of both my practice and me as a chiropractor. Practicing is now a joy and with greater ease, as doc taught me how to say more with fewer words. The results are a more enjoyable patient experience as communications are simple yet informative and concise. My practice is now filled with people who know why they want to be there and why everyone they know should be there too!As chiropractors, our schools empower us with skills to be a great doctor; much like a builder given basic building materials. Training with Dr Franson is like having a master architect help you form a blue print to utilize those building materials in building the masterpiece that is you and your dream practice.Dr William Tee
B.App.Sci (CompMedChiro)
M.Clin.Chiro RMIT
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