Do you have a budget for your time, energy, and focus like you do for your money? You’ve heard us say that the CEO is the Chief Energy Officer – because your business is a reflection of your energy…your energy and your team’s energy. But did you know that you are also the “CFO”? (And we aren’t talking about money, here.) You are the Chief Focus Officer! Your job is to COLLECT and DIRECT the FOCUS of your team so that collectively you will achieve what’s important now and what’s important next.
In this episode, we help you reevaluate Your ROF: The return on investment of your focus.
Episode Highlights
03:00 – Focus on the outcomes is not necessarily what you want to be doing but rather the behaviors that are driving the outcomes.
04:56 – Collect and Direct the four limited resources of your organization; time, energy, focus, and money
8:49 – If it doesn’t feel like you’re making progress, stay in it, because it’s the little things that accumulate over time to create momentum.
11:13 – Do you have a budget for your time, focus, and energy?
15:41 – When you’re consciously focusing on something, the mind is incredibly efficient and effective, it blocks everything else out
19:30 – As a CEO you are actually the CFO, the Chief Focus Officer, directing your practice to focus where it needs to be
22:58 – This consciousness of focusing is how you take your job and turn it into a business
25:51 – Don’t miss Dr. Stephen’s interview with TRP Success Partner, Justin Maxwell from Big Life Financial. Uncover how BLF helps business owners, as they experience growth, to maintain as much of their financial gains as possible through tax strategies, insurance, and a holistic approach to what the individual doctor values.
Resources Mentioned
To register for the Conversion Retention Immersion, please visit our site here:
For more information about Big Life Financial please visit:
Schedule a Brainstorming call with Dr. Pete
Dr. Stephen’s Book – The Remarkable Practice: The Definitive Guide to Build a Thriving Chiropractic Business