Welcome to The Remarkable CEO Podcast, a show hosted by Dr. Pete Camiolo and Dr. Stephen Franson. In this episode, Dr. Pete and Dr. Stephen discuss Leadership as part of your business success and the attributes of a great leader; Certainty, Conviction and Clarity. They emphasize the importance of focusing deliberately on the four pillars of Certainty – Philosophical, Clinical, Communications and Business Acumen which they consider as a muscle group that needs to be developed.
Episode Highlights
01:28 – Introducing today’s topic, Leadership
04:45 – The distinction between a Lord and a Liberator
05:38 – The second side of the Rubik’s Cube: Who do you need to become?
07:04 – How Core Values attract
10:21 – Three key attributes of a great leader
12:55 – Four categories of Certainty
19:10 – Your weakest pillar is capping your success
21:14 – Influence with great certainty
22:36 – Fitness for your business
25:14 – Dr. Pete and Dr. Stephen desire to discuss on the other attributes of a great leader, Conviction and Clarity, in the next episode
Tweetable Quotes
Resources Mentioned
Leadership Tools as Part of the Vision Side of the Rubik’s Cube