Welcome to The Remarkable CEO Podcast, a show hosted by Dr. Pete Camiolo and Dr. Stephen Franson. In this episode, Dr. Pete and Dr. Stephen continue their discussion on leadership by delving into the importance of conviction. They break down the four agreements of chiropractic patient-doctor relationships. Finally, Dr. Pete and Dr. Stephen discuss the two sides to the conviction coin, integrity of a chiropractor and patient needs.
Episode Highlights
00:45 – Introducing today’s topic, Leadership
02:03 – Dr. Stephen and Dr. Pete take a moment thank their listeners for reviewing the podcast
04:30 – The importance of conviction
12:03 – The Four Agreements
13:40 – Establishing goals for solving patient problems
15:10 – The Empathetic Connection
19:21 – The Story Cycle
20:19 – Integrity
22:00 – The value of the patient
23:12 – Dr. Stephen and Dr. Pete tease the topic of the next episode