Welcome to The Remarkable CEO Podcast, a show hosted by Dr. Pete Camiolo and Dr. Stephen Franson. In this episode, Dr. Pete and Dr. Stephen discuss one of the most critical components of a successful chiropractic practice – people. They break down the four ‘rights’ when it comes to hiring great talent, which include finding the right people in the right position doing the right work in the right way. Finally, Dr. Pete and Dr. Stephen talk about the value of creating an organizational chart and evolving that into an accountability chart.
Episode Highlights
01:27 – Introducing today’s topic, People, Part 1
02:08 – The Four ‘Rights’
02:30 – Dr. Stephen and Dr. Pete read some listener reviews
05:58 – The difference in mindsets between a traditional owner/operator and a CEO
09:38 – Why finding great talent is an investment
11:01 – The basketball analogy
14:03 – Breaking down the core roles of the many chiropractic players
17:13 – Identifying where you fit into your business
19:25 – Analyzing the four boxes of the organizational chart
23:35 – Establishing clarity within your organization
24:07 – The Accountability Chart
25:00 – Dr. Pete talks about the three bullets on a CEO organizational chart
27:48 – Dr. Stephen lists some of the many jobs that comprise a chiropractic practice
31:05 – Dr. Pete invites the audience to join them for Part 2 of this topic on People