Welcome to The Remarkable CEO Podcast, a show hosted by Dr. Pete Camiolo and Dr. Stephen Franson. In this episode, Dr. Pete and Dr. Stephen break down the six sides of your business Rubik’s Cube that you must solve to have a successful and remarkable practice. These include vision, leadership, systems, people, training and energy. Dr. Stephen and Dr. Pete provide analysis and suggestions on how best to master each of these key components.
Episode Highlights
01:27 – Introducing today’s topic, solving the puzzle of your business
03:30 – Why businesses are not as simple as a jigsaw puzzle
04:31 – The Rubik’s Cube metaphor
05:11 – The six sides of the business Rubik’s Cube
08:39 – Vision
10:47 – Leadership
13:26 – The importance of character and capacity
15:06 – Systems
18:35 – People
19:46 – Systems around team building
22:27 – Training
25:46 – The four areas of training that Dr. Stephen and Dr. Peter immerse themselves in
28:57 – Energy
32:10 – Dr. Stephen and Dr. Pete summarize the episode
33:18 – Dr. Pete highly suggests going back and listening to this episode again