Welcome to The Remarkable CEO Podcast, a show hosted by Dr. Pete Camiolo and Dr. Stephen Franson. In this episode, Dr. Pete and Dr. Stephen talk about best practices for your year-in-review as a CEO. They discuss the importance of reflecting on both successes and failures from the year prior to better understand how to set goals for the year ahead. Dr. Pete suggests reviewing not only your business goals but also goals you have set in your personal life as well. Finally, Dr. Stephen shares his thoughts on a critical aspect of vision casting and goal setting.
Episode Highlights
00:57 – Introducing today’s topic: Reviewing Goals from 2019: Goal Setting, Part 1
02:45 – Differentiating between how an owner operator and a CEO review and set goals
06:31 – How a CEO would look back on the year in review
10:06 – Dr. Pete adds onto Dr. Stephen’s driving analogy
11:52 – The value Dr. Pete places on coaching
13:24 – Best practices for The Year End Review
15:18 – The importance of ensuring proper information flow
16:49 – Balancing goals for 2020
19:12 – Dr. Pete poses some high-level questions to ask yourself to reflect back on the previous year
22:25 – The ‘Win or Learn’ mentality
25:16 – Dr. Pete drives home the importance of having these conversations with your team
27:14 – Why metrics represent a critical aspect of vision casting
30:22 – Dr. Stephen teases Part Two of Goal Setting